VERONA, Wis. (by Amber Noggle, Anchor, 27 News at 5, 6 and 10 WKOW Madison) — Saturday morning in Verona, cyclists took off for the first Ride for Opportunity. It raises money for the Opportunity 34 Foundation, which was started in honor of 21-year-old Will Kellerman by his parents.
Will died two years ago in a car accident.
Registration fees from the ride go toward scholarships to help kids navigate through college.
“We decided to help out kids that Will would have championed,” says his his mom Kristin. “People who are the underdogs, people who may not think they can persevere to reach their goals, Will was always the champion, saying, ‘Hey dude. You can do this…”
(Continue reading the original story at wkow.com.)