The holiday season was a busy one for Opportunity 34. As a result of the truly unbelievable generosity and continued support by of people like you, we are working on the final details surrounding the first award of scholarship(s). Stay tuned for the details to be announced after the New Year!
We have formally filed our application to the IRS for 501(3)c status and have formed a Board of Directors. We should have notice of approval in 4 – 6 months.
Friday, January 19, 2018 is Opportunity 34 Night at the Verona Area High School basketball game vs. Beloit Memorial to honor Will and have some Will-inspired fun. You can learn more here: Opportunity 34 Night at VAHS
Additionally, we have raised the fundraising goal to $250k to provide each scholarship recipient with funds not only for their first year of college, but potentially each year he/she is in good standing at their institution. First and foremost, we are committed to kids in Verona. We are also aware that Will’s friendships knew no boundaries. We would like to see the Opportunity 34 Foundation reflect that as well.
Since it’s creation just two months ago, the Opportunity 34 Foundation has exceeded our expectations and has been a source of tremendous healing. We fully intend to “pay it forward” as well as continue to fine-tune and shape the vision to give opportunities to as many kids as we can. Thank you again for your thoughts, prayers, and support. Will is giving all of you a standing ovation.